Rediscover Your Inner Power for 2022

Why “Good Vibes Only” Can Cause You More Bad Vibes…

You’ve heard the saying, we all have. “Good Vibes Only!” Meant to provide an environment full of happiness, love, and all the “good” emotions which roughly translates to, if you have any problems, leave them at the door. There are so many issues with this type of mentality, which I have only started realizing recently while working through my own healing journey. Most of the time, people who follow this way of life end up not addressing emotional trauma and hold onto that energy which can cause stress to manifest in their life in a variety of other ways.

Before I go any further, I feel the need to say that there is no such thing as a “bad” emotion. Your ego may have attached a negative outlook on a situation, but in reality, each of our emotions is just a way for our minds to interpret information around us. Each emotion serves a purpose to help us learn more about ourselves and our environments however it’s what we do with our emotions that matter. It’s what we do with our emotions that cause us to either fall into a victim mentality or to do something to gain a better understanding of our situation rather than submit to it.

“Anybody can become angry—that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way—that is not within everybody’s power and is not easy.” - Aristotle

So many lifestyle coaches, yoga, meditation teachers, etc. who preach “inhale the good energy and exhale the bad”. It seems like a great thing to do for oneself, right? It may provide personal benefits but on a very selfish level. When we do this practice it’s like going to the snack table, filling up on small bites of every delicacy you can get your hands on, then throwing up all over the table leaving the mess for someone else to clean up. A crude and gross analogy but that is exactly what is happening energetically when you do this practice. When we breath out negativity, that energy has to go somewhere, and it always ends up polluting the energetic world around us.

This mentality can also be connected with colonization in a way. By only taking good from the world and giving back the negative, we end up creating more of what we are wanting to notexperience, a continuous cycle in which we find ourselves trapped. We have forgotten the power of our hearts to transmute the negative within and around us, turning it into pure light and love. Our minds are powerful tools, and we sometimes forget the different ways we can use it outside of the material world. Our ancestors knew this but somewhere down the line the knowledge was twisted.

We know that there have been plenty of studies done where patients use a specific medicine while others use a placebo, which have been proven to work in a third of patients up to 60%. (1) This is proof of the mind’s healing powers over our physical, mental, and emotional bodies. Our egos tend to get in the way however, allowing us to get trapped in a victim mentality, thinking we aren’t good enough, that everything is against us, or that we aren’t receiving what we think we need.

By taking time to set the ego aside and taking on the negativity you are experiencing you will begin to feel the power within. That might be as simple as the breathing exercise mentioned above yet reversed. Breathing in the negative energy around you, taking it into the heart center while imagining a hot flaming sun as your heart. You’ll bring in the negativity and allow the fire to cleanse it. Transmuting it with your own intention and exhaling it out into the world as pure love. Doing this easy exercise for 3-5 minutes at a time will have you feeling less stressed, more grounded, and energetically lighter than you were before.

Or it can be as intense as getting to the root of why you coined an experience as negative and work towards reframing it within to find the lesson learned. In every experience there is knowledge gained, and that is exactly what I believe to be the core of life’s purpose. This can be difficult if you aren’t ready to be honest with yourself and your experiences. You must be at a point where you can look at your experience as an unbiased outsider. To see the truth of happened versus how you reacted to what you think happened based off your trauma responses. When we look at situations from that viewpoint, we begin to see where and when we begin to treat ourselves as a victim instead of activating our inner power to learn and change our perspective and reality.

I kept myself in a victim mentality for so long. Always blaming others and everything around me for why I wasn’t where I would have liked to be. It was causing issues in my relationships with my family and friends, and it would enable me to fall into depressive states where my anxiety increased tremendously. (At this time, I was also attempting to breathe in the good, and exhale the bad exercises) I remember making a snap decision that I would no longer allow myself to be the victim who needed saving and I would become the woman who saved herself.

That is still a work in progress as it will be a lifelong journey, however, it’s incredible what changing your thought patterns can do within your life as well as working through those emotions that you’ve buried deep down inside. It may seem like a daunting task, and something you might not be willing to sign up for right away but think about it this way. The more you allow your past traumas to dictate your response to current situations, the more you fall into a trap of unresolved emotional problems that you end up perpetuating.

You see, when we experience something traumatizing, we tend to hold onto the feelings that situation evoked. If those feelings are not worked through, felt, and released, whenever something new happens that evokes that same emotional response, you then have to deal with it in the moment as well as re-experience the past all over again! Who would ever willingly do that to themselves? If you find yourself bringing up past situations when you’re unsatisfied with a situation then that is a good indicator that you haven’t properly dealt with the original experience which caused you to feel like that in the first place. Instead, you are having to deal with that specific moment as well as the past all at the same time, which isn’t fair, especially if the person in the moment hasn’t done any wrong, the only thing that is “wrong” with the situation is with how you chose to “react” to what you “think” was going on.

I have recently realized that I didn’t know how to feel my emotions in order to release them. Most of us get lost in thought when we are working on a past incident, reliving the moment we end up losing ourselves to the emotions all over again. This isn’t helping in the way you might think, and it doesn’t do anything to release what we are holding onto. To let go and release we must get our thoughts out of the memory and focus on our bodies. How did this moment physically feel in your body? Go through every sensation that you notice, naming it out loud and allowing the sensation to run its course and fade away. This is the release we want. The knowledge and awareness that the sensations won’t last forever and by acknowledging them fully we are able to let go of our hold on it. Give it a try with something that you’ve been carrying around with you and see how you feel afterwards, making sure to do some transmutation before and after as well!

Of course, there is gaslighting, abuse, and many other circumstances that should be taken into consideration, and should not be left unaddressed, so it’s very difficult to talk broadly, but I think you know what I mean. Sometimes we create our own issues to our problems that could be discontinued if we took the time to heal from the original trauma that causes you to react a certain way to that experience.

Another saying that most of us are familiar with is “What goes around comes around”. So, if we are releasing our negativity out into the world and allowing ourselves to vibrate at those low frequencies, what do you think will come back around to you? This is the very reason why you should be leaning into those low vibrations in order to transmute them into higher frequencies with the power you hold within! This also works if you are trying to manifest anything in your life. You can use a variety of techniques to do this as well, it can be as simple as pausing to reflect on things that make you feel love and gratitude throughout the day. Some of the things I say to myself to bring my vibrational frequency up are… I love my plants and am thankful for the fresh oxygen they give me in return. I love my pets and am thankful for the boundless love they show me. I love my friends and family and am thankful for their support in my life.

So, remember that healing from your past wounds will help you to react more clearheaded in the moment and will help you to be the fullest version of yourself. Someone who is flooded with the knowledge of gained experiences and the ability to see the lesson in any situation will allow the individual to reflect love and light back out into the universe. Be the change you wish to see in the world, and within yourself as you step back into your inner power and transmute whatever comes your way in 2022!

Heather Newman | The Healer’s Truth

January 1st, 2022


Heather Newman

Certified lymphatic therapist, massage therapist, reiki master.

Relieving Anxiety and Aligning with Your Purpose


A Musician’s love for Reiki